Online Courses
Our online courses are the same as the classroom version. TrueCourse’s online instructor guides your success. Please call 937-478-1947 for more information.
Showing all 7 results
Online Class Free Demo
Try out a section of our online OUPV course free or charge to help determine if an online class would be right for you. An additional bonus is you’ll become familiar with our checkout process. It’s simple and quick. Go To Purchase
OUPV “6 Pack” Online Course
Known as the 6-Pack. This license is required for carrying up to 6 passengers for hire. It can be used for entry-level Delivery Captains or mates, or Captains of private boats for short cruises. This is a frequent license used for fishing guides. This is also a great license for the private owner that wishes to become a better Skipper of his vessel. The course teaches you to be a competent boat pilot.
Towing Endorsement Online Course
This endorsement to either OUPV or Master license permits the Captain to engage in the work of towing or salvage; a must if you plan to work for a licensed towing service, or for practical knowledge to assist a fellow boater.
Masters Upgrade Online Course
This is for larger USCG inspected boats that carry more than 6 passengers, such as ferry boats, dinner cruise boats, water taxies, and commercial boats. Most boat delivery Captains hold a Master License to pilot the boat for delivery. This course teaches you the regulations and USCG requirements to “manage” the boat, not necessarily to pilot the vessel. Most students find it best to take this class directly following the OUPV for easy USCG combined application of license.
License Renewal Online Course (Tools Not Included)
This course eliminates the 360 days of sea service time to renew your license every five years (you have only 12 months of grace time to renew after your license expires). TAUGHT ONLINE ONLY UNLESS SPECIFIED ON THE CLASS ADVERTISEMENT.
License Renewal Online Course Plus (Tools Included)
This course eliminates the 360 days of sea service time to renew your license every five years (you have only 12 months of grace time to renew after your license expires). TAUGHT ONLINE ONLY UNLESS SPECIFIED ON THE CLASS ADVERTISEMENT.
Marine Radio Operator Permit (MROP) Online Course
This FCC permit is required for vessels that carry more than six passengers for hire, or on an inspected vessel in the open seas, Great Lakes, or any tidewater area of the United States. THIS IS A SERVICE, NOT A COURSE. We supply a self-study manual and administer the FCC-provided test (which MUST be face-to-face either through a classroom or online).
Other services, such as physicals and First Aid/CPR training, may be offered at your location, but they are not guaranteed. Check with your instructor, or call 937.478.1947 to confirm whether the service will be available.